I remain shocked, two weeks later, that the U. S. Supreme Court made the decision to uphold Obamacare. Two years ago, I remember thinking that the founding fathers must be rolling over in their graves at the idea of Socialism invading the country they fought so hard to make free. I just couldn’t believe it was happening then. I still can’t believe it’s happening now.
U is for Unbelievable.
The most shocking part for me was that the deciding vote came from President Bush appointed conservative, Chief Justice John Roberts. I’ve read a few theories about why he would make this careless decision. One that seems to prevail is that our country has been moving toward a socialization of medical care for years, and it is likely that we will have socialized medicine, if not now, than in the future. In thinking about his own legacy (read pride), would he want to be known as the lone descenter of a system that would be put into place a few years down the road anyway, or the final decision-maker of what was inevitable? When the history books are written for this period of time, his name will surely be synonymous with this case. If this theory is true, then Chief Roberts abdicated his responsibility to the citizens of the United States for his own potential political and historical fame.
U is for Unconscionable.
Whatever the reasons for this Supreme Court decision, it is crystal clear to me that the very entity charged with making sure that the law of land, the Constitution, is upheld, failed America last month. Phrases such as “taxation with representation” resound. Americans will be forced to purchase health care or be taxed if they don’t. Where is that in the Constitution? Nowhere. This very issue was the catalyst for the American Revolution.
U is for Unconstitutional.
Friends . . . America is on a crash course toward Socialism, Marxism, Communism. If you don’t believe that, your face is buried in the sand. We, as Christians, must rise up. Obama must not be re-elected in November. Obamacare must be repealed. We must educate ourselves and our children about America’s Christian history. And pray. Pray earnestly for our country. For it’s leaders. Don’t delay. Begin today. We must reverse this course with reckless abandon.
U is for Unrestrained.
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. –2 Chronicles 7:14
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. B)’>then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. –Galatians 5:1
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