At least this week. We have a very busy “enrichment week” this week. It began today with the first of three classes, three days in a row, with Barry Stebbing of How Great Thou Art. Ben absolutely loves art and having the chance to learn some techniques, with someone of the caliber of Mr. Stebbing, is an amazing opportunity. Ben really loved his first class today. We had more than 90 children, along with a few parents, attend the first session. Amazing!
When we came home, Ben began an 8-week long online Edison Project class at Quick Study Labs, using snap circuits. The circuit he did today was simple and one he has done before, but the cool thing was the explanation of what he was doing. He learned a bit about atoms, electrons, and filaments, along with much safety information. He’s gonna love this course! He’s even excited to take a test at the end of each week. Silly kid.
On Wednesday, Ben finally gets to take a horseback riding lesson. A member of our homeschool community set up a 90-minutes group lesson. The children will have a 45-minute riding lesson, followed by a 45-minute horse care class, at a local equestrian club. He has begged for riding lessons since last summer when we visited The Kentucky Horse Park, followed by our Horses unit study. I can’t wait to see him ride. He will be so thrilled!
We also began our Easter unit study this afternoon, and worked in a little bit of math. It was a full, exhausting, but oh, so fun day! The week is sure to be more of the same.