I need help.
I stay up too late.
So does Ben.
I spend far too much time on the computer.
So does Ben.
I spend far too little time in the Word and in prayer.
I spend far too little time just talking with and reading to Ben.
We all spend far too little time doing family stuff.
We are not doing enough in school.
We are not serving others enough.
My house is a mess.
Time is speeding by, my son is growing up, I don’t feel that I’m accomplishing nearly what I wish to.
So what’s a work-at-home, homeschooling mom of one busy little bee, with a husband who travels too much, to do?
“Show me, O LORD, my life’s end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting is my life. You have made my days a mere handbreadth; the span of my years is as nothing before you. Each man’s life is but a breath. ~Psalm 39:4-5
I wonder what I really would do if God did in fact show me my life’s end, if I knew how many days I had left. What would I do differently?
I can promise you, I would do a lot differently! I must do things differently! Stewardship of my time has to be at the top of the list. Lack of discipline in this area affects EVERYTHING. Our ability to spend time in service, to spend time with each other, to spend time with friends. We end up exhausted and mired down by a list of things we didn’t get done that is much longer than the list of things we did finish. But most importantly, Ben has told me that he’s tired of talking to the back of my laptop. So convicting.
I need a schedule that would allot time for school, chores, quiet time, free time, and designated computer time and about 20 hours of work time for me. If I’m not careful, I will piddle away my day with email, Facebook, and job responsibilities and before I know it, the day is gone.
So last night, Ben and I sat down and devised a schedule of our week days. This is what it looks like:
8:30-9:00am Mom awake for quiet time
9-10am Ben awake, breakfast, morning chores. Mom breakfast, morning chores, quick check of email
10am-2pm school (no computer for Mom, lunch 12:30-1pm)
2-3pm afternoon chores
3-6pm Ben’s free time, Mom’s office hours
6-8:30pm dinner and family time
8:30-9:30pm Ben to get ready for bed, pick up room, read aloud time
9:30pm Ben to bed, Mom quick check of email
10pm-12mn Mom’s free time
12mn Mom to bed
We began today and things went really well. Ben’s attitude was better and I felt much more accomplished. Let’s pray it sticks!
Feel free to hold me accountable by asking how things are going in a couple of weeks!