I don’t know how it was for you in middle school science class, but most of our learning came from boring textbooks. Sure, there was the occasional earthworm dissection or blood-typing that went along. But in the whole scheme of a year’s worth of learning, there was very little I found interesting, fun, or interactive.
Not any more!
When you tap on this app, you will be impressed from the first moment. The vivid color of the graphics will draw your student in immediately. But the incredible quality of the graphics is second only to the incredible quality of the instruction in this app. They have taken everything you need to know about cells and created a fun, interactive, information-packed app that will grab the attention of teacher and student alike.
When you first tap open Cell and Cell Structure, you’ll find 3 options on the main page — All About Cells, Videos, and Interactive Activities. When you tap on “All About Cells” the smaller screen opens to give your students options for what to learn about the cell.
Here are a few screenshots from this drop-down menu . . .
What is a cell? . . .
How do cells reproduce? . . .
Benefits of being a multicellular organism . . .
Going back to the homepage, next you might choose to watch videos. Currently there are 4 videos available. They are amazing. Computer-graphics of the inner workings of cells and cell parts, in constant motion, with both an audio tutorial and captioning. These videos are great for all learning styles!
The final feature to mention are the Interactive Activities. Here you’ll find challenging word searches (with hints, if needed) . . .
multiple choice quizzes (random and narrated) . . .
and very cool flash cards. I think the flash cards might be my very favorite part of this app.
Every iPad-equipped homeschool and classroom should consider this app for middle school-aged students and older. It’s a tool that I wish I could have had in general science or biology class, and my own student is thrilled to have it now.
Amazingly, this app is only $2.99. Well worth every penny.