(this post contains affiliate links. thanks for supporting our blog!)
I just had to break from my blog vacation to share this awesome deal with my readers!
For a few more days, you can get ALL 18 Curiosity Files from The Old Schoolhouse Magazine completely FREE! That’s a $125 value!
These unit studies are fun and quirky and we love them! We have them all!
Many of the topics are super unusual — you won’t find other unit studies like these!
Click on over to Educents and check it out! Deals ends at midnight PT on September 1.
Here’s what you can get for FREE —
- The Curiosity Files™: Blue Diamond
- The Curiosity Files™: Blue-Footed Booby
- The Curiosity Files™: Cave Fish
- The Curiosity Files™: Cicada Killing Wasp
- The Curiosity Files™: Dung Beetle
- The Curiosity Files™: MRSA
- The Curiosity Files™: Velvet Ants
- The Curiosity Files™: Zombie Fire Ants
- The Curiosity Files™: Pufferfish
- The Curiosity Files™: Quicksand
- The Curiosity Files™: Rogue Waves
- The Curiosity Files™: Slime Eels
- The Curiosity Files™: Solar Max
- The Curiosity Files™: Snow Rollers
- The Curiosity Files™: Red Tides
- The Curiosity Files™: Whirlpools
- The Curiosity Files™: Vegetarian Spiders
- The Curiosity Files™: Platypus